Beat DOMS with Massage Therapy

It’s a great feeling to finish a tough workout. You’ve got the feeling of accomplishment making you feel good along with the endorphins produced in your body as a result of intense exercise. But the next day might be a different story. If you wake up with sore muscles the day after working out, let’s look at how massage can help you.

What does DOMS mean?

DOMS stands for delayed onset muscle soreness, and it is a commonly used term among gym-goers and fitness enthusiasts. It is referred to as ‘delayed onset’ because you don’t feel it immediately after your workout. Typically, this pain and stiffness comes the next day or later on in the same day. This feeling can last for several days after a workout.

It typically occurs when you push your body harder than it’s used to or when you perform exercises that your body isn’t used to. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that you’ve pushed your body too hard. This pain is thought to occur due to tiny tears in your muscle fibers occurring as a result of your workout. When these tears heal, your muscles will be stronger than they previously were. So, DOMS can be a sign that you are improving and becoming stronger.

How can massage help?

Certain things are thought to reduce the effects of DOMS, such as stretching before and after a workout, taking ice baths, and increasing your protein intake. But how can massage help?

Massage improves the circulation of blood around your body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to your muscles more efficiently. This can help them to recover more quickly, reducing the pain and duration of delayed onset muscle soreness. The improved circulation also helps to remove toxins, such as lactic acid, from your body more efficiently. Massage can also help to reduce any inflammation that could make your pain worse.

So, getting a sports massage, a deep tissue massage, or any kind of massage after a workout could alleviate the pain you feel the next day and help you recover from it more quickly. You can also get a massage when you’re feeling sore from DOMS in order to speed up your recovery, but it could be a more painful experience. If you are feeling sore during a massage, you can tell your massage therapist so that they can adjust their pressure accordingly.

If you want to book a sports massage with our massage therapists, then get in touch or use our online booking system to arrange your massage appointment.